Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rozzi Daime on Voting.

So as many of my young friends tend to forget to vote, or don't care to vote, or aren't regestered to vote, or aren't even up on the current issues, and or candidates to vote, I would like to take a moment to remind you all of the history of voting, for just a moment. There was a time when this fine country of ours the U S of A, did not consider black people to be anything other than 1/3 of a human being, thus making it imposible for us to vote. Making it so that the decisions that faced us in our daily lives, and the taxes we still had to pay, were decided by white men. We had no say. When we attempted to speak out, to exercise our freedoms, we were hung, burned, murdered, lynched, dragged, and shot. WAS THAT ALL IN VAIN? My fellow women. We too suffered the injustice of not being smart enough to vote, as it was "man affairs". There was an entire movement based solely on women being able to vote, AND WE STILL EARN LESS MONEY THAN MEN IN THE WORKPLACE. Are you telling me, you wont get out there today and VOTE?!

Make a difference friends, I know in the past it has been discouraging with fixed elections, and the electoral college, and not feeling that your individual vote counted. BUT THATS WHERE YOU ARE WRONG. We must each vote, every last one of us, the only way to make a difference, is to make your vote count. They can not fix a landslide. So be a citizen, Honor your ancestors. Vote.


The Daime

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